Sunday, December 26, 2010

Not as planned…

This week wasn’t terrible but my plans to only drink on Sunday blew up pretty quickly. It’s started mid-week when a friend from out of town stopped over unexpectedly with some beer in hand. The beer was actually fine, but as always I kept on going after he left. I didn’t end up getting to bed until 3am and basically did nothing at work the next day because I actually had a mild hangover.
(That’s what I get for cutting back.)

With my plan already shot to hell and with Friday being a holiday I decided to head out Thursday, I did after all need to deliver my Christmas tips. A $20 at my sports bar and a $50 to my favorite hot weekend bartender, it made me realize I can get away with a ton of BS in those places so long as I drop the occasional 100-150% tip.

Friday I actually did well, had a glass of wine with dinner than actually managed to stop and go home sober. Of course I slept like crap and I’m paranoid about taking any sleep meds even if I’ve only had 1 drinks.

Christmas however, a day I planned on staying sober for, was a complete FAIL. I had a couple beers and the family gathering and went home to battle a bottle of Bacardi – I think it was a tie because we’re both still here. I was drinking out of boredom again. I still need to find something to fill my life.

Today was the usual, at least an oncoming snowstorm kept me local. But I passed out early again and am here fighting the insomnia, if it even is insomnia.

I have an uneasy feeling about the week ahead. My company is closed the week between Xmas & New Years would will lead to me having A LOT of free time and there is really only one place that will lead. At least New Year’s Eve is the one-day a year I actually take a cab home.

I did have a plan on ordering a beer or drink I can’t stand so I’ll drink slower, worth a shot right? I need to get the sleeping issue under control.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cutting Back

My first week of cutting back went OK. Not perfect by any stretch but a solid start. Had there not been a company party during the week I probably would have made it 5 straight days without a drink. Friday was probably the toughest day as it’s a usual drinking night and I was really bored. I ended up just forcing myself to go to sleep early. I need to find something to do on Fridays to kill time other than go to the gym. I’ve noticed if I can make it until 10pm I’m pretty home free. I don’t typically start drinking later than that.

Saturday, I fell off a bit. I went to visit an old college friend, which was fine social drinking but it was enough to get me rolling. I ended up at the liquor store plunking down on a big bottle. I came home and watched a movie and ended up drinking in my room until I passed out. No hangover per usual. I kind of wish I got them.

Sunday, was a day I planned on drinking and it went OK. My problem continues to be stopping. I do OK at 1 bar and than feel the need to continue which usually gets me in to trouble or generally acting like as ass. The company party was fine, but I just had to go for another couple rounds after it was over. Same deal Sunday, football was fine but I just had to stop at another bar on my way home and have 4 more drinks. Again no hangover but here I am awake at 2am and I’ll probably be up all night. It’s seems when I pass out now it doesn’t last very long 3-4 hours MAX, usually less. Tonight I slept from 9 to midnight.

I’m not sure how to correct the extra bar stops. For now I’m just going to concentrate on cutting down the days. This week should be a mixed bag. I’ll be pre-occupied on Friday and Saturday with the holiday. I don’t’ drink around family. But at the same time I’ll probably get booze from people, which will raise temptation when I end up home alone at night.

So the official plan will be only drink on Sunday this week – possibly Thursday Night but only if I get Friday off. Monday – Wednesday should be easy.

After that will be new year’s eve which I have no idea how to handle. Last year was a debacle. Perhaps I’ll make that my drinking day for the week and spend Sunday at home. Right now my major plan is o take up my time is to working on my resume to find a new job and doing some house projects. Problem is whenever I finish a project I want to celebrate with a drink. And at this point 1 is all it takes to get the ball rolling.

So the Goal is cut down to 1 night a week, than maybe go a whole week.